To clarify issues concerning the website (“the website”), CrowdXS points out the following for you:

  • The website and all of its elements are property of CrowdXS. It is not allowed to publish, copy or save the site or elements of it, without written permission of CrowdXS. Howerever, this permission is not necessary for personal, non-commercial use.
  • The information shown on the website by CrowdXS is composed with ongoing care and attention. Nevertheless, published information might be incorrect and/or incomplete.
  • The information shown on the website is regularly updated and/or adjusted. CrowdXS has the right to apply changes as effect of immediately and without any notice.
  • All the information, products and services are offered in their current state, without any (implicit) guarantees of warranty with respect to their availability, decency, suitability for a specific goal.
  • Some (hyper)links lead to sites outside the domain of CrowdXS, which are not owned by CrowdXS, but are only used to inform the visitor. In case these links are activated, you will leave the site of CrowdXS. While CrowdXS is extremely selective with respect to the sites we direct to, we cannot be held responsible for the content or performance of specific site. Nor can we be held responsible for the products or services that are offered at a redirected site. CrowdXS denies the responsibility for the content of the sites which are not property of or maintained by CrowdXS.


Published information, including products, content, pictures, illustrations, graphical material, trademarks, names, logo’s (altogether ‘brands’), are property of or in license of CrowdXS and are protected by copyright, trademark law and/or other intellectual property law. Therefore, named rights will not transfer to people who have access to the website.

Content on this site may only be used for non-commercial and private goals. Visitors of the site are not allowed to multiply, forward, spread or expose content to third parties for compensation, without written permission of CrowdXS the website. Except for the necessary extent to consult the site.

Cookie policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small file that will be saved on your computer. Data about your visit on a site are written in a cookie, for example a username and password, but also which sites you visited. A cookie is not harmful for files saved on your computer.

Cookies on the CrowdXS website

The website of CrowdXS uses one type of cookie, the so-called analysis cookie of Google Analytics. These cookies gather information about which pages are visited most, where visitors come from or which errors occur.

The cookies of Google Analytics on the site of CrowdXS give insight in the way the website functions and how this can be improved. So, these cookies contribute directly to the user-friendliness of our visitors.

What to do if I do not want cookie(s)?

Most importantly, you can turn cookies of in case you do not want them. Go to the settings of your browser, where you can find this depends on the browser, for example Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Mozilla FireFox.


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