Nowadays, companies must be online. That is why you need a good WIFI connection. This applies to rural locations like train stations and hotels, as well as to SME’s.

That is why you need managed WiFi

Wireless and safe internet at your office without drastic changes? That is managed WIFI solution of CrowdXS! The wireless and secure connection at your office, without drastic change. We arrange everything from beginning to end. We take care of the wiring, installation and supervision. Managed WIFI is the solution without great investments. Through multicell WIFI the total cover is guaranteed.

CrowdXS promises you

  • 24/7 personal support, to ensure you will not experience any problems
  • 5G speed and wide range, an unlimited connection
  • 100% uptime, through which you are always on
  • Multicell WIFI, a good connection at every spot of the building
  • Reliable security, to separate the network of employees and guests

Do you want the best internet for your own use or guests? CrowdXS business wifi offers it all! Read here how this worked out for Pathé.

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  • Our content customers

How to proceed?

Contact us for a customized solution.


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